Here I want to make the list of every thing about Asp.mvc, linq and jquery I have been involved in or I can get my hands on or find very interesting. The list will keep on growing over time.
Good complete answer here.
Please refer here for the answer.
Answer here
See here And here
How to catch error in Jquery's load ?
To Invoke It: Call throw new Exception() from controller's catch
Linq to sql case insensitive string matching?
Exporting Gridview DataSet to Excel
Get the text and value of the selected item of dropdown in jquery
Find out If a particular element exists in jquery
How to get the current Route Id in the view from Url?
<%=Url.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["id"] %>
What is difference between Html.Partial and Html.RenderPartial?
Good complete answer here.
What is Mvc Futures Library?
Please refer here for the answer.
What is TempData?
What is TempData?
Answer here
What is Difference between ViewData and ViewBag?
See here And here
Many to Many Relationship in linq to sql ?
How to catch error in Jquery's load ?
To Invoke It: Call throw new Exception() from controller's catch
var ph = $("#Cat"); ph.load("/Categories/Index", function (responseText, textStatus, req) { if (textStatus == "error") { window.location = "../User/Logon"; } else { alert(textstatus); } });How to Create comma seperated string using linq?
var Tags = _db.TagPosts.Where(m => m.bint_PostId == id); return string.Join(",", (from p in Tags select p.Tag.vcr_TagName));
Linq to sql case insensitive string matching?
if (string.Equals(string1,string2,StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { }
Exporting Gridview DataSet to Excel
Get the text and value of the selected item of dropdown in jquery
alert($("#selectlist option:selected").text()); alert($("#selectlist option:selected").val());
Find out If a particular element exists in jquery
if ($("#row-" + exist).length) { }
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