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Showing posts from April, 2011 mvc razor render partial view using jquery Ajax

I will going to demonstrate how we can render PartialViews using Jquery Ajax. I will be clicking an a href link ,then I will be calling the controller through jquery Ajax which will fill the partialview for a really nice user experience. Step 1: First of all we will be creating an DisplayData class for the use for this example in the model. public class DisplayData { public int ID { get; set; } public DisplayData(int ID) { this.ID = ID; } } Step 2: We will create a Clicks page and write the following code on it. Specially note empty here which will going to empty and then fill partialview with new records. $(document).ready(function () { $('.msg').click(function () { var id =; $.ajax({ url: "/Category/Display", data: { data: id }, success: function (mydata) { $("#link").empty().appe...

Google voice actions for android

While playing with my new android phone I came to know of the voice actions which really interested me, so I decided to share it on my blog. Voice actions let you control your phone by voice commands which is really very cool , for example you can search, send text, do browsing all by voice commands. My Review: It is not very exact in some of the cases but it is working. Watch the video for more details