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Showing posts from February, 2011 mvc having multiselect with the listbox

Populate the Listbox with MultiSelect. Controller: public ActionResult Create() { var Degree=DegreeRepository.GetAllDegree(); ViewData["Degree"] = new MultiSelectList(Degree, "DegreeId", "DegreeName"); return View(); } Here I want to mention if you want the single selection for the Listbox you can use SelectList as I mentioned here View <%: Html.ListBoxFor(model => model.DegreeId, ViewData["Degree"] as MultiSelectList) %> Population and then selection of item in the dropdownList.  Controller: public ActionResult Edit(int id) { var Users=UserRepository.GetUser(id); var Degree=DegreeRepository.GetAllDegree(); ViewData["Degree"] = new SectList(Degree,"DegreeId","DegreeName",Users.DegreeId); return View(); } View: <%: Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.DegreeId, ViewData["Degree"]) %> mvc Dropdownlist population and selection

Populate the dropdownList. Controller public ActionResult Create() { var Degree=DegreeRepository.GetAllDegree(); ViewData["Degree"] = new SelectList(Degree, "DegreeId", "DegreeName"); return View(); } View <%: Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.DegreeId, ViewData["Degree"]%> Population and then selection of item in the dropdownList. Controller public ActionResult Edit(int id) { var User=UserRepository.GetUser(id); // Get Single User var Degree=DegreeRepository.GetAllDegree(); // Get All Degrees ViewData["Degree"] = new selectList(Degree,"DegreeId",DegreeName",User.DegreeId); return View(); } View <%: Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.DegreeId, ViewData["Degree"] %> mvc c# changing the dateformat

There are times when you need to change the datetime format of the default date generated by System.DateTime.Now to some other. Here how you can do it string datetFormat = "dd-MMMM-yyyy hh:mm"; string date = Convert.ToDateTime(datetime).ToString(datetFormat); It will generate 11-February-2011 06:13

How to use mvc JavaScriptResult practically

I am usually very excited about knowing something that can make my life easy and JavaScriptResult is one of that thing. It is used to execute JavaScript code immediately on the client sent from the server. Here is the small code snippet for its implementation. View:  <%: Ajax.ActionLink("display", "Display", new AjaxOptions()) %> <%: Html.TextBox("name","mazhar") %> <%: Ajax.ActionLink("checks", "Checks", new AjaxOptions()) %> Controller: public ActionResult Display() { var script = "$('#message').append('Display');"; return JavaScript(script); } public ActionResult Checks() { string script = "var textboxvalue=$('#name').val();"; script += "$('#message').append(textboxvalue);"; return JavaScript(script); } Output: 1) Clicking on the first link will display Display in the message div. 2) Cli...